Monday, December 28, 2020

Transcript of talk of the Supreme Commander to the Commander of the Forces of the Western Direction


Stalin at the device.: Hello. Until now, you were tossing up one, two or three divisions to help the front and that didn’t lead to anything notable. Perhaps it is time to stop these tactics and form forces of seven or eight divisions with cavalry on flanks. Select a direction and force the adversary to relocate their forces. For example, isn’t it possible to add two or three rifle divisions and some cavalry from the reserve, to the group of Khomenko’s three divisions, three divisions near Orlov, one tank division (which is already fighting near Yartsevo) and one motorized division and then direct all this to Smolensk region and eliminate enemy and clear that region, by knocking the enemy to Orsha. I think that the time has come to stop cheapskate {sic} and start operating with large groups of forces. Over.

Timoshenko.: I think that it will be correct to realize your plan. Especially considering the latest data that tells us that the enemy is operating all its divisions of the Smolensk region to the North West, to Yartsevo. But the main group of tanks aims at Yelnya, blocking Smolensk with tanks and motorized infantry. Of course Smolensk is under threat and on a narrower front - Yartsevo. The strike that you have recommended, that is a powerful one towards Smolensk itself without any flanking maneuvers can turn out in our favor. Over.

ЦАМО. Ф. 96а. Оп. 2011. Д. 5. Л. 1, 2.

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Operative department of reserve front. Army and division report about staff and equipment. 49th Army.

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