Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Order of the commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front to the Commanders of the 13th Army, 3rd Guards Tank Army about the elimination of the Sandomierz enemy group and liberation of city Sandomier.

03. August 1944.

In order to eliminate the Sandomierz enemy group as well as to enlarge and reinforce the bridgehead on the Western bank of Vistula river to the North West of Sandomier. As well to support Gordov’s 3rd Army crossing Vistula.

I order to:

  1. The commander of the 1st Tank Army to decisively strike at Opatow, Ozharuw directions with the objective to eliminate the Sandomierz enemy group which is operating in front of the 3rd guards Army; by the end of 04.08 capture Ozharuw. To cover the army from the West, capture road links at Ostrovec and Laguv.
  2. The commander of the 13th Army by using forces of five rifle divisions to strike from Kopshivnica, Klimontuw region at the direction of Kolechatuw, Sobutka with the objective to eliminate the Sandomierz enemy group in cooperation with the 1st Tank Army and to capture Sandomier by morning of 05.08. The region of Ivaniska, Bogorija, Stashuv shall be occupied by three rifle divisions to support the operation of the army from the West.
  3. The commander of the 3rd guards Army must accelerate the crossing of Vistula river and while striking to Ozharuw, Ostrovec together with 13th Army and 1st Tank Army must eliminate the Sandomierz enemy group. By the end of 05.08 the main forces of the army must enter the region of Tarluw, Ozharuw, Opatuw.
  4. The delimiting line between the 3rd grds and 13th Armies is the same until Ulyanuw, then the mouth of river San, Laguw, Kelytze - all the points except for Kieltze, inclusive for the 13th army.
  5. Report about the given orders and their implementation.

Konev, Kraynyukov, Sokolovsky

ЦАМО РФ. Ф. 236. Оп. 17062. Д. 16. Л. 435.

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