Thursday, February 16, 2023

About the preparation for winter of the evacuated oblast’ population

Decree of the Bureau of the Stalingrad Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Stalingrad Regional Executive Committee.

"About the preparation for winter of the evacuated oblast’ population".

Report. Polyakov A.M. and Krutsko.

In cooperation with executive committee of District Council of deputees of working people.

3. October 1942

Task the chairmen of the executive commitees and region councils and secretaries of VKPB to organize a thorough check of the status of preparation of the evacuated population. Adopt measures so that during October dugouts {with roof} (where there is lack of dwelling) are prepared at the expense of kolkhozes and local authorities as well as for funds provided by SovNarKom and District Executive committee. Oblige com. Poshlin to immediately take measures to provide this construction with materials.

Oblige the secretaries of region committees of VKPB and representative of executive committees and regional councils to provide the minimum necessary amount of banyas for the evacuees and also to carry out prevention of epidemic diseases among the population.

Task the district executive committees to provide the further work and flawless functioning of kids dining rooms under all conditions. Also attach the newly arrived kids to schools, provide the functioning of schools. Provide jobs in kolkhozes and industries for newly arrived adult population.

Due to sharp shortages of shoes and clothes among the evacuees, especially for kids, consider it necessary to organize commissions for gathering warm clothes and provide those in need with clothes gathered from the population as well as from the provided funds.

Task the executive commitees and regional councils to adopt measures to prioritize local resources for providing the needs of the evacuated population. Use local sewing workshops to make the necessary amounts of warm clothes and shoes for kids and adults as well as organize laundry-rooms for washing the clothes.

Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории
Ф. 17. Оп. 43. Д. 1773. Л. 78–79.

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