Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Tiger tank test firing (AT rifle and AT grenade)

To brigade commanders.

Below I report the results of test firing the AT rifles and AT grenades against the "Tiger" tanks.

Test firing conducted on 13-14 November this year under the supervision of invention inspector of the military preparation detachment of the 3rd Bielorussian front. From a distance of 200-300 meters and at impact angles of 90 and 45 degrees the following results were achieved:

= Anti-Tank Rifles =

AT rifles from a distance of 200 - 300m can penetrate the caterpillar at 90 and 45 degrees angles. The links and rod joint places are also penetrated. Both for 90 degrees and for 45 degrees the effectiveness of the AT rifle is much lower that of 45mm cannon. The holes made by bullets are very small, the diameter is equal to the AT rifle bullet diameter. To break the caterpillar, around 4-5 hits must be placed next to each other in the same link.

Conclusion: it is feasable to use AT rifles to fire at caterpillars.

= Anti Tank Grenades =

AT grenades were thrown at a caterpillar one by one and also tied together by two. A single grenade, when thrown accurately can tear half of the caterpillar [link], the tank cannot move in this case. Two grenades tied together can rip the caterpillar entirely. Also AT grenades were thrown on the . When a single grenade explodes it bends the plate. The explosion of two grenades have broken the plate. Two grenades tied together were thrown from a dugout from a distance of 10m.

The division commander has ordered: Get the officer staff acquanted with the reusults of tests.

Deputy Chief of staff of the 10th breakthrough artillery division of the Supreme Command Reserve Major Ilyin.

Printed 8 copies.
copy 1 to case.
copy 2 to the rear.
copy 3-8 to the brigades.


Original scan

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