Monday, August 9, 2021

8th Army Losses Report for August from the representative of the Joint Staff of the Red Army to deputy Supreme Commander

28th August 1944

  1. From 01.08.1944 to 26.08.1944 the army has lost 35649 men (killed, wounded, missing) and received 10237 men as reinforcments, which does not cover its losses. For example: 4th grds rifle corps has lost 7777 men while fighting for the bridgehead and received only 3081 reinforcements.
    At present time the divisions have shrinked down to just 4000 - 4200 men, mainly because of the rifle companies which have only 30 -35 men.
  2. In the last days of fighting for enlargening the bridgehead exhaustness is observable in the units. There is no combat impulse anymore, letargy is evident. Daily losses shrink the numbers of already small companies as a result of what there is no success in the battles for enlarging the bridgehead. For example: 4th grds rifle corps has moved only about 1-2 km (on a 10km front) for a whole day of fighting on 26.08.1944 and lost 405 men mainly active bayonets which is roughly equal to 11 rifle companies (counting 35 men each).
  3. I consider the following:
    • Widen the defensive strip for the Polish army on the bridgehead and place one rifle division from the 8th grds Army behind it. Thereby the rifle corps of the 8th grds Army could be gradually pulled back for rest, refilling their numbers and train them to prepare for the forthcomming offensive operations.
    • To further widen the bridgehead the Polish army could solve local offensive tasks.
  4. 7th grds corps - to cross the Vistula river in the Kobilnitza - Vargotzyn region and in cooperation with the forces of 8th army to clear the region of river Rodomka, road Severynuw - Kuzenitze.

Lieutenant colonel

ЦАМО РФ. Ф. 233. Оп. 178503. Д. 9. Л. 79-80.

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