Thursday, April 8, 2021

Talk record of Narkom of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov with the Prime Minister of the Polish Emigrated Government S.Mikolaichik.

Moscow 31 july 1944 21:00
Also present: Grabsky, Mnishek, Romer.

Mikolaichik greets Molotov.

Molotov says that he greets Mikolaichik in Moscow.

Mikolaichik thanks for the comfortable conditions provided to him in Moscow. Simultaneously he expresses a request to be accepted by I.V.Stalin. Some time ago Grabsky has already said about that will to Lebedev.
Now he, Mikolaichik, wishes to say two things.
Firstly, the Polish government is now building up forces to assist the Soviet forces at a decisive moment with their struggle against the Germans. Polish operation plan was developed in cooperation with General Tabor who has arrived from Poland recently. The plan is handled to the English government with a request to hand it over to the Soviet government. Back in October last year all the Polish forces were ordered to fight in cooperation with the Soviet forces.
Probably V.M.Molotov has information about this being implemented already.

Molotov answers that he has some information but not quite the same character.

Mikolaichik says that Polish government has a plan to mobilize all the resources to fight the Germans. At this important moment it is important to find agreement between Polish and Soviet governments to lay the foundation of peaceful cooperation between Poland and the Soviet Union in the future. He, Mikolaichik, is sure that the entire population of Poland supports him. He, Mikolaichik, represents those political parties of Poland who are willing to cooperate with the Soviet Union and are struggling against those parties that do not wish to cooperate with the Soviet Union.

Molotov notes that he does not fully understand what Mikolaichik is speaking of. Polish government has different political parties including those whose hostile attitude cannot be argued.

Mikolaichik claims that there are no such parties in the Polish government. All four parties represented in the government are willing to cooperate with the Soviet Union.

Molotov notes that then it is better to leave that question.

Mikolaichik notes that he is positive that there are no disagreements between the Polish government and the Soviet government. He, Mikolaichik, wants to discuss all the matters with the Soviet government and to convince the Soviet government that the intentions of the Polish government are honest.

Molotov answers that it is better to talk to the Polish National Committee.

Mikolaichik says that he thinks that it would be better to talk to the Soviet government whose heroic armies are beating the Germans. The Soviet government is representing the power of its state which will rule Europe. WHen he, Mikolaichik, speaks of a historical moment, he wants to underline that if the Soviet Union will generously come towards the Polish government, then the Polish people will agree to have a union with the Soviet Russia. If he, Mikolaichik, will speak to the National Committee, then he is not sure that same will happen.

Molotov answers that as it seems to him it would be better for Mikolaichik to speak with the Polish Committee of National Liberation which is much better informed about the situation in Poland.
He, Molotov, also wants to add that the fact that Marshal Stalin has informed through Churchill about the possibility to meet with Mikolaichik is still in force. As Marshall Stalin is very busy with military matters, he, Molotov, thinks that Mikolaichik could be accepted on Wednesday or Thursday, judging by the situation in Moscow. He, Molotov, will forward Mikolaichik visit request to I.V.Stalin.

Mikolaichik says, answering Molotov note about the better situational awareness of the Polish Committee, wishes to say that Polish delegates who had arrived to London are very well informed about the situation in Poland.

Molotov answers that delegates have less information than there is on spot in Poland.

Mikolaichik agrees with Molotov and says that General Tabor is ready to take off from London anytime and report about the situation in Poland. The Polish government has been planning a general uprising in Warsaw and wants to ask the Soviet government to conduct bombing raids over the airfields of Warsaw.

Molotov notes that there are only 10km left to Warsaw.
Molotov asks whether Mikolaichik has any other questions.

Mikolaichik says that there are no more questions and he is ready to answer Molotov’s questions.

Molotov asks if Mikolaichik has any requests that he, Molotov, can forward to Marshal Stalin.

Mikolaichik answers that he has only one general will - ask Molotov to tell Stalin that he, Mikolaichik, represents the mood of the entire Polish nation.

Molotov says that he has already expressed his opinion that Mikolaichik should talk about this to the Polish Committee of National Liberation.

Mikolaichik says that he is ready to speak to the Committee. However he understands well that not all questions could be discussed with the Committee while he can discuss all the questions with the Soviet government.

Molotov says that it is possible to discuss with the Soviet government only those questions that relate to the Soviet government.

Romer asks if Mikolaichik will be able to send ciphered telegrams to London.

Molotov answered that he thinks that this will be possible.

Romer asks Molotov to issue a respective instruction.

Talk lasted for 30 minutes.

Recorded by V.Pavlov

Source: АВП РФ. Ф. 06. Оп. 6. Д. 17. Л. 91–93.

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