Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Transcript of talks via direct connection between General Lieutenant Telegin and General Lieutenant Schikin.

Beginning: 22:10 - 27.9.44

End: 23:05 - 27.09.44

Schikin.: General Lieutenant Schikin at the device. Hello com. Telegin. Please report.

Telegin.: Telegin at the device. Hello.
Today we have maintained a stable connection with Northern, Central and Southern regions of the resistance forces and I have received the following reports:
1st radiogram - To the commander of the Prague area. Sent through lieutenant Mak. Nr. 12 from 27.09.44 at 4:00 “Monter”. Brigade general. Mokutov.
The enemy is pushing us badly. Partial loss of the territory on the Southern side. I ask for artillery support and bombing raids against the enemy lower from the Nepodleglosty alley to the South from the line of Odinets - Pulavoka - Vokolska.
There is a famine in the city and a bad mood. “Monter”.
2nd radiogram - Nr. 13 27.09.44 at 7:30 to the commander of the RA Praga. “Mokotuv”. The situation is exceptionally bad. The only way is to provide artillery support and air support. Target the line 1 - Lovitzka street, 2 - Belviederskaya street, 3 - fort Mokotuv, 4 - Checheta street, 5 - Shorter street, Krulikarnya as well as the enemy artillery positions, known to you. “Monter”.
3rd radiogram - from our officer in the region Nr.1. “The rebels in fierce fighting have destroyed 33 enemy tanks, 6 armoured cars, 4 wooden bunkers within the last 7 days.
Famine and powerful artillery shelling are ruining the spirit of the rebels. The situation is becomming critical. Please provide artillery and aviation support. 30000 civilians are starving, kids are dying, army is recieving only 150 grams of crackers per day. Everyone is waiting for the RA to come. We are starving here, please throw a sack of food, wrapped with a bandage for us. Inform us about the drop.

T.:Another one from him, where he answers our questions regarding our yesterday telegram.
“There were people sent by the Germans who tried to kill us. We have information that some of the Krayovy army supporters are hiding machineguns. We didn’t get the barrel, the breech, the axis and spring for the cannon.”

T.: Finally I got a radiogram from my officer from the 3rd district which was sent unencrypted because our radio operator has died when parachuting. Here are the contents of that radiogram:
“There is panic and famine in the city. I ask to provide artillery and aviation support. The uprising will fall within two days. Send a radio operator urgently. Grisha has died. Throw the supplies in the central part of the city. We are losing a lot of drops because of lack of communications. Urgently drop a radio operator and supplies.”

T.: As requested in these readiograms starting at 15:30 today the artillery was shelling blocks Nr. 625, 629, 630. The anti-air artillery was on full alert but did not fire because there were no targets, the fighters were airborne but did not encounter the enemy.
I ask to report that to do air missions to support the rebels we have no fuel. Our air forces would be capable of fulfilling this task if comrade Semyonov would sign off additional fuel.

S.: How much fuel is needed for this operation?

T.: Answering. Depending on the mission assigned to us and the specifics of a concrete task we will need 500 - 2000 tons.
The rebels from the region Nr.1 confirmed that they have received our supply drop on 26.09 with communication equipment. We will continue to drop food and supplies tonight, however 250 tons of B-70 gasoline signed off to us earlier have almost depleted and for further work…

S.: Please repeat “gasoline P-70”.

T.: Gasoline B-70 supply has almost depleted and for further work we will need additional 300-400 tons. I ask you to report that.
We have a broadcast from London radio regarding the true surname of General Bur, it is General-Lieutenant Skomorovsky, who was commanding a cavalry brigade of the Polish army in 1939.
Regarding the situation at Prague. I have no information except for the following short message.
During the 26-27th of September 30 AKs [Army Karayovy soldiers] arrived at the gathering points.
The commander of the AK Prague district p/p [sic] Zhurowsky - “Andzhey”, has sent a message for Berling at night on 27.09. In this message he states that his appeal was done under pressure and he himself remains faithful to the London government and therefore cannot join the 1st PA [Polish Army] and is leaving to Warsaw.
I think that Zhurowsky has gone underground again.
Zhurowsky has also reported that in the region of Kshivd (near Prague) there is an organisational committee of AK which tries to disrupt the mobilisation into the 1st PA.
According to Berling’s decision, arriving AKs are used to form an infantry regiment and 1100 privates and NCOs and 50 officers have been gathered. Berling thinks that since AKs have come voluntarily, they will fight well and it is possible to form a separate unit from them. I think that Berling as a very short-sighted politician is making a huge mistake by blindly trusting AKs, especially the officer staff. If lower ranks with small exceptions could be used, then officers must undergo a thorough inspection and be separated.
I have data from the head of the information department of the 1st PA that Rolya Zhimersky has forbidden Berling to form an independent AKs regiment, however Berling does not like that, purely formally that if he cancels his own order, then this lowers his authority. In such a way by ignoring common sense he tries to preserve his military honor.
In the region of Prague leaflets have been found, printed in Polish and signed by the Central Committee of the Polish communist party that agitated to create soviet power in Poland. Without doubt these leaflets are German and are aimed at undermining the authority of the Polish worker party.
Recently the Germans and seemingly also Polish pro-fascist elements have made several leaflets with provocative content that call for fight against the Lyublin government which is as they say a cover for the soviet power. They call to not to trust the measures of the soviet government and the Red Army aimed at strengthening the friendship with the polish people.
Of 10000 tons of flour which is being given for free by the soviet government to the inhabitants of Prague, 1000 tons will arrive tomorrow. The rest will be transferred by com. Khrulyov. All from me.

S.: No more questions from me today too. Com. Telegin, the questions you asked about yesterday have been reported to com. Scherbakov who has routed the information up. Regarding the medals, we will gather all we can and will send to you together with your representative. All from me.

T.: I ask to forward my questions quickly because our further help to the rebels depends on their positive solution.

S.: The questions you have asked today will be reported to comrade Scherbakov in half an hour today who will report them further up.

T.: Good, inform me tomorrow at 22:00. Good bye.

S.: Good. At 22:00 I will be waiting for you at the device. Good bye.


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