Friday, December 18, 2020

Transcript of talk of the Supreme Commander to Stavka Representative and commander of the South-West front


Mikhailov and Fyodorov at the device.

Stalin at the device.

Stalin.: Comrade Mikhailov, report what you have done there in the region of Filippov.

M.: Reporting. All day yesterday together with Voronin and Filippov and the division commanders we were in the operative regions. We made clarifications to the decision and issued all the necessary orders for the division commanders to start their work today, together with specialists and regiment commanders. Some unresolved questions remain with the RS - we have three, but need five M-13. The question about returning the second air army from Fyodorov before the start of operation. Filippov could be ready to begin relocation 1-2 [December] if Moscow will accelerate the delivery of fuel and ammunition. In three days I will be at him to check the preparation progress on the spot and to help. Tomorrow I, together with com. Voronov plan to go to Lelyushenko’s right flank to start full scale preparations there, because factually nothing is done there yet. Both me and Fyodorov have big doubts that Lelyushenko will handle the preparations and commanding the operations on his left and right flanks simultaneously, especially given the events on his left flank.
We decided to ask your permission to handle the operative command to Kuznetsov, who will immediately go there and make all preparations through him. Lelyushenko could be given direct command of the left flank group. We have just spoken to Lelyushenko about this, he not only shares this point of view, but also asks us to do so. In this case Lelyushenko will have 8 I.D. one mechanized corps and reinforcement units, because we think to reinforce him additionally with three I.D. from Romanenko. Lelyushenko’s preparation is lagging overall, because of slow arriving of forces, for instance the rifle corps have unloaded up to 50-70%, while tank corps and tank regiments as well as artillery and AA divisions have not yet arrived. We ask to accelerate this. Beginning on 29th we will start field training with the arriving commanding staff for what as I reported already, I will be leaving together with comrade Voronov to the right flank.

S.: But who will unify the actions of Dontsov and Ivanov? This is a very responsible task.

M.: It would be very hard for me to command them, being on the right flank of Lelyushenko’s forces, from where communication with Dontsov and Ivanov is possible only through Moscow. On the other hand, to accelerate preparations, our presence there is is absolutely necessary for at least three days. I ask for your directions.

S.: It is unreasonable to underdo one thing and rush to another. Enemy forces near Stalingrad are surrounded and they must be eliminated to free up our three armies. But there is no one to lead this task and no one to align the actions of Ivanov and Dontsov. Mikhailov needs a small operation point of around 10-15 people somewhere around or to the West of Lyapichev and lead the elimination of the enemy Stalingrad group from there, gradually squeezing the encirclement more and more. This is a very important task, more important than operation “Saturn”. Mikhailov must concentrate solely on this task. Concerning the operation “Saturn”, let Vatutin and Kuznetsov deal with it. Moscow will help.
I cannot understand from where did Lyashkov get 8 divisions and what kind of phrase is this “left Lelushenko’s flank” and “right Lelyushenko’s flank” when Lelyushenko has to have one army - the First Guards Army. If we follow Your proposals, what will be left on Lelyushenko’s right flank, what forces?

M.: I perfectly understand that the elimination of the enemy group surrounded in Stalingrad is a primary task at this time. I was following your directions when I took the lead of preparing the operation “Saturn”. Starting from tomorrow with great satisfaction I will take over aligning and leading actions of Dontsov and Ivanov, which I stopped doing since 24th because of my departure to Filippov and Lelyushenko’s right flank.
Secondly. Saying “Lelyushenko’s right flank” I meant his strike group positioned on the right flank which consists of two guards corps, one tank corps and other reinforcement units. Saying “Lelyushenko’s left flank” I meant his left flank group which consists of eight rifle divisions, five of which are already there and three are planned to be transferred over to him from Romanenko. All from me regarding these questions.

S.: What other questions do you have? Where do you plan to organize your operative point to lead actions of Dontsov and Ivanov? Will Voronov stay with you or leave for the “Saturn” region? Over.

M.: I need to report the situation for the current moment. The situation is as follows: against Lelyusheno’s left flank from the region of Bokovskaya and to the North the German divisions are attacking for three days now: 62nd infantry and 22nd tank division as well as 1st Romanian motorized division. Today we discovered also the German 294 I.D. Lelyshenko’s units were forced back by this offence, to the region of river Krivaya. On the direction Astakhov - Pronin, the Germans have crossed to the Eastern bank of the river. To the North of this region, on the direction to Yagodniy the attempts of Romanian 7th, 11th and the remnants of 9th infantry divisions were repelled by our forces. To stop the attacks of German divisions and eliminate them the 47th guards rifle division and two tank brigades are on the way from the Pronin area as well as one motorcycle regiment from the region of Lipovskaya which is to the South West of Perelazovskoye. These units are heading North East to strike against the enemy’s flank.
To meet them from the north along the river Krivaya Lelyshenko’s 226th rifle division will strike, supported by tanks. We consider it necessary to move Lelyshenko’s 1st mechanized corps to river Don to the region of Elanskiy, to…

S.: You can move that mechanized corps and use it as situationally needed according to Vatutin’s view. Please continue.

M.: While preparing “Saturn” have it ready, especially because there is a possibility to commit heavy attacks against the flanks and rear of the attacking enemy group and eliminate it. The situation may require a mechinized corps to perform strikes on beneficial directions.
Second. Regarding the question of leading Dontsov and Ivanov. I am ready to go to Lyagichev region right now, but I think that it will be too difficult to organize control of everything from there. Only Kalach forces could be controlled from there to stop the enemy breakthrough from within the Stalingrad circle to the direction of Tormosin. Immediate control of both fronts could be organized from the Dontsov control point region, where there are communications and where I could be as soon as tomorrow. I ask for your final instructions, so I can start fulfilling them immediately. Over.

S.: Speak about Voronov.

M.: Comrade Voronov is here with me now. Comrade Vatutin asks to allow Voronov to go to him for two days and then together to go to Lelyushenko to help him organize “Saturn” quickly.

S.: And where is Dontsov’s control point?

M.: Answering - in the area of the 24th army.

S.: Good. Then go now to Dontsov’s control point, take needed staff and organize coordination of Dontsov and Ivanov’s actions. Let Voronov go with Vatutin to prepare “Saturn”. You can put Lelyushenko with face to the West, so he can repel actions of the Germans with his 8 divisions and other reinforcement units. It is not clear to me who will command the 1st guards considering two rifle corps and a tank corps.

M.: Good, I proceed to execution immediately. Please allow to take with me...

S.: I’m asking who will command the 1st guards army, situated on the right flank of Lelyushenko - Kuznetsov or someone else?

M.,F.: Answering. We ask to allow all the preparations for two guards and tank corps to lay down on Kuznetsov under the direct supervision of Vatutin. Lelyushenko will be very busy fighting off the German attack on his left flank and will not be able to handle both tasks simultaneously. These forces within these conditions must be controlled by Kuznetsov or send Lelyushenko to command that group, but make Kuznetsov command the left flank group consisting of 8 divisions.

S.: And where the 1st guards Staff will be - at Lelyushenko or at Kuznetsov?

M.,F.: The Staff of group of troops is already organized at Krasnoselovsk South West of Kalach (Voronezhsky), control point of the left group - 7km South of Elanskaya is also organized and functional. I ask to take Novikov with me. Falalayev when he arrives to command the aviation of “Saturn”. I ask Bokov immediately, that is tomorrow by plane to send me eight men for operative works with a good signalman {radio operator maybe?} and a logistician. Over.

S.: So who will command the right group Lellyushenko or Kuznetsov? Please answer.

M., F.: If you will not object, then allow us to do like this: we will immediately put Kuznetsov on Lelyushenko’s left flank to command the defence against German attacks and also he will prepare the operation “Saturn” for this group. Staff crew will be given to him from the Staff of the front. We will send Lelyushenko to the right flank no later than tomorrow evening, he will essentially command the 1st guards army, consisting of two guards corps and a tank corps.

S.: Lelyushenko already commands the front against the Germans, perhaps better to leave him in the area of the left group, but to assign Kuznetsov to the right group. In this case Kuznetsov could do preparations for “Saturn”. Do you agree?

M., F.: Good, will do like that.

S.: Now to comrade Mikhailov. Take these instructions:
1) In the current situation Your objective is to align the actions of Dontsov and Ivanov to eliminate the surrounded enemy group. I ask you to do this task only and not to bother with anything else.
2) All the aviation of Don and Stalingrad fronts together with Novikov as well as Pe-2 bomber corps which is arriving now to the Don front, will be at your disposal. The objective of aviation is to smash the surrounded enemy group without giving it a break.
3) It is possible to send one tank corps to Your reserve, which you can use to reinforce Dontsov or Ivanov. If you will need more reserve forces, report tomorrow.
4) You must have a direct connection to Stavka and regularly inform it about all the events happening in the region of Dontsov and Ivanov.
5) Tomorrow report whether it is necessary to incorporate the 62nd army to the Don front, tomorrow report about where to send the tank corps. Do you have any questions, is everything clear?

M.: All is clear and will be fulfilled.
1) Tank corps I ask to route from unloading spot in the region of Ilovlinskaya, Log.
2) I will report to you daily about the progress of my work and the overall situation. About the 62nd I will report immediately after arriving at the new control point. I will depart immediately and will report when arrived.

S.: It seems to me that it would be good for you to have that tank corps somewhere in the junction area of the Stalingrad and Don fronts. I mean the region of Kalach or Krivaya Muzga.

M.: That is correct, but here it will be easier for it to get from Ilovlinskaya, because if it arrived at Stalingrad we will have to ship it across Volga which takes a lot of time.

S.: Good, the tank corps will be sent to Ilovlinskaya, Log region. Please, Fedorov to the device.

Fedorov:Fedorov at the device.

S.: Comrade Fedorov, please accept the following instructions.
1) You have a dual task now, one is to direct the actions of Romanenko and Lelyushenko from the region of Nizne-Chirskaya to Nizne-Krivskaya; second is to make preparations for operation “Saturn”.
2) Leave comrade Voronov at Fedorov to prepare “Saturn” and also to help Lelyushenko.
3) Additionally to the first mixed aviation corps which remains at Fedorov’s disposal, you will get one more mixed aviation corps with a division of fighters and division of attack aircraft. Entire Fedorov’s group will be under control of Falaleyev who will be arriving to you in the following days.
4) If 5th mech. corps is being transferred to Romanenko, is that so?

F.: Reporting, In the current situation it is better to plan it for Romanenko. In case the situation changes and we will need to reinforce Lelyushenko, then it can be done seamlessly a bit later, but now better plan it for Romanenko.

S.: Under whose disposal does the guards mech. corps arrive?

F.: Guards mech. corps remains at Lelyushenko at his left flank, where it must be kept even now. 1 Krivomuzginskaya.

S.: I repeat:
4) Both mech. corps and 5th guards could be used if needed in the region of Lelyushenko’s left group or in Romanenko’s region, depending on the situation. For operation “Saturn” on additional mech. corps and one tank corps will be sent to you. This would be Fedorov’s reserve.
5) Immediately put Kuznetsov to the region of Lelyshenko’s right group, that is into the 1st guards army and make him do preparations for “Saturn”.
6) Filippov’s and Fyodorov’s divisions for “Saturn” operation will be commanded by Moscow. You must regularly inform Moscow about the progress of preparation of “Saturn”. Over. All is clear, are there any questions?

F.: all the instructions are clear and their execution will begin immediately with all the energy. One question - I have not yet received an artillery division RGK and AA division and it is not known whether they are dispatched. I ask for the 9th division.

S.: RGK division and AA division are already loaded and soon will be at you.

F.: Understood, please tell me their numbers. I have only three RS regiments left, M-13 and M-8. All the others were transferred to together with the 21st army. I ask to dispatch 4 regiments immediately.

S.: I inform that guards motorcycle regiment cannot be taken from Western front and be sent to Lelyushenko. Instead the 1st guards army will receive 3 motorcycle battalions. Please send your requests about the RS and other things to Stavka. I can send you two RS M-13 regiments and will dispatch them tomorrow. Over.

F.: All clear about the motorcycle battalions. Good luck.

S.: Thank you, good bye.

ЦАМО. Ф. 96а. Оп. 2011. Д. 26. Л. 195—205.

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