Friday, December 18, 2020

Transcript of conversation of the Supreme Commander to the commander of the Southern front.


Ryabishev and Zaporozhec at the device.

Stalin at the device.: Good afternoon. Have Airforce commissar Stepanov and deputy [head] GABTU Mishulin arrive?

R.: Com. Stepanov and Mishulin have arrived today.

S.: Have both rifle divisions unloaded?

R.: Unloaded, but not completely.

S.: Has aviation from Rostov relocated to Berdyansk? How much regiments have arrived?

R.: One regiment yesterday, two today.

S.: Tank brigades haven’t arrived yet?

R.: Tank brigades haven’t arrived yet.

S.: Now tell me, who owns Genichek and station Novo-Alekseyevka?

R.: Genichek and station Novo-Alekseyevka are in enemy hands.

S.: This means that the Germans have blocked Crimea?

R.: Yes, approximately yes.

S.: You have plans to occupy Genichek and Novo-Alekseyevka to reestablish communications with the Crimea army, don’t you?

R.: We sketched the plan that must [arrive] tonight by an encrypted letter.

S.: Are there many enemy forces in this region?

R.: In front of us the enemy has 11 infantry divisions, one cavalry division and a tank group of around 200-250 vehicles.

S.: You count their forces very well, should you count your own forces that well, then things would be better for you. Tell me, have RS {Katyusha} arrived?

R.: RS have arrived. I will add that part of enemy divisions do not pose a significant force. Over.

S.: RS have arrived with crews?

R.: RS have arrived with crews

S.: We have researched the issue with Cherevichenko and came to a conclusion that it was not fair to relieve him from duties. Shouldn’t we return him to your army?

R.: It is better to not return him to the same army right now. That is the opinion of the military council. Better to send him somewhere else. Over.

S.: Budenny has told me that the commander of the front Ryabishev has given up his opinion about relieving Cherevichenko and now thinks that his removal was wrong. Is it correct? If so, why wouldn’t you correct that mistake? From my side I am ready to correct that mistake.

R.: When the question of relieving Cherevichenko was discussed I hesitated. I discussed this with com. Budenny. Com. Cherevichenko was very slow and indecisive in his actions near Kahovka lately. Should he precisely fulfill my instructions, we might not end up in such a situation there. Also, com. Cherevichenko had a bad influence on his staff and didn’t make them work properly. I will discuss this with com. Zaporozhec now.
Comrade Zaporozhec thinks that it will not be comfortable to return Cherevichenko back to that army.

S.: Comfortable to who? I’m interested only in the comfort of the state, not comfort of single individuals.

R.: Well, then we agree for Cherevichenko to be brought back to the 9th army.

S.: Tell me honestly, who will command the army better: Cherevichenko or Haritonov?

R.: It is hard to tell now who of them will command better. I must say that Haritonov is a brave, energetic general, literate in the operative sense, but doesn’t have much experience on such a big scale. I must say that he was confused a bit in the first days, but he makes very good progress.
Com. Cherevichenko is without doubt a capable commander, but he made a huge mistake by letting the enemy take Kahovka. Should he be more demanding and controlled the fulfillment of his own orders, the enemy wouldn’t have reached the left flank of the Dnieper. It is perfectly clear that Cherevichenko must learn from his mistakes and later he will be able to command an army.

S.: I don’t want to protect Cherevichinko or anyone else in any way. I only want to get to the truth from you about who of these two can command the army better? Com. Ryabishev is this your opinion?

R.: Yes, this is my opinion.

S.: In this case Cherevichenko will not return to you. The Stavka will give him a different appointment. Wish you well.

R.: No questions, goodbye comrade Stalin.

Myalenkov at the device.: Hello, you have just informed com. Stalin that you drafted a plan, that had to already arrive this night in an encrypted message. That plan is not in the General Staff. Please clarify when have you sent it and to whom?

R.: Hello com. Myalenkov. I reported to com. Stalin that tonight our plan will be sent in an encrypted message. In an hour it will be encrypted and sent to the General Staff. But this is a principled decision. Good bye.

M.: Over. Good bye. We wait.

ЦАМО. Ф. 96а. Оп. 2011. Д. 5. Л. 116 - 119. Подлинник.

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