Friday, May 6, 2022

Report about the food supplied to Berlin 10.05 - 1.08.1945


For the period from 10th of May till the 1st of August 1945 the following foods were transferred to supply the inhabitants of city Berlin:

1 Flours 58.771,2 tn
2 Grains 11.015,9 tn
3 Meat 8.199,6 tn
4 Fats 2.116,2 tn
5 Potatoes 97.589,6 tn
6 Salt 3.527,2 tn
7 Sugar 5.221,3 tn
8 Tea 161,6 tn
9 Natural Coffee 382,6 tn
10 Surrogate Coffee 804,7 tn

Com. of the military commendant of Berlin city
of food supplies office Guards Colonel Kalinichenko.

Head of the food supplies office
Major Kuvshinov

13 August 1945

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Order to the commander of 20th tank regiment to organize the protection of historical material in Berlin.

To the commander of 20th tank regiment.
Fulfilling the order of the military council of the army.
The division commander has ordered:

Select 7 people from the saergeant and private staff to perform the protection tasks of the archive and precious museum materials of the German writer Goethe. The term is from 17.7 till 23.7.45.

Instructions regarding the guarding as well as places to guard shall be received from the commander of the guarding company of the staff of the 8th Guards Tank Army (Veimar, platz Elefand, Krankenhaus (hospital))

Report the fulfillment about the beginning and end of the service at 18:00 17.7.45 and 18:00 23.7.45.

Cheif of staff of the II tank Radom-Berlin
Red Banner orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov division
Major General of the tank forces
Signed (Gritsenko)

sent 2 copies
copy 1 - to file
copy 2 - to recepient
fulilled by Bavykin

17.7.45 MR

Sent at 15:50

Source: archive index temporary unavailable

Operative department of reserve front. Army and division report about staff and equipment. 43rd Army.

Started: 20 SEP 1941 Ended: 30 SEP 1941 33 pages REPORT About numerical and combat compositon of the 43rd Army ...