20 April 1945 20:40
Stavka of the Supreme Command orders:
To require the forces to change their treatment of Germans both towards
prisoners of war and civilians and treat them better.
Cruel treatment makes them fear and provokes more stubborn resistance without surrendering.
The civilians, fearing revenge, gather into gangs. This situation is not good for us. More humane treatment of the Germans will make our fighting easier on their territory and without doubt will reduce their stubbornness in the defence. -
In German regions to the West of the line between river Oder mouth, river
Oder until Furstenberg and further until river Neise (western), create
German administrations and put Germans as burgomasters.
Do not touch ordinary members of the national-socialist party, if they are loyal towards the Red Army, only leaders may be taken into custody if they weren’t able to flee yet. - Better treatment of the Germansmust not lower your vigilance and cause familiarities with them.
ЦАМО. Ф. 148а. Оп. 3763. Д. 212. Л. 13.