Friday, August 13, 2021

Order from the commander of the forces of the 1st Belorussian front to the commander of the 48th army about temporary halting the offensive.

15th August 1944

The Army has not achieved an objective set by me. The reason for this was that the offensive was poorly organized, the combat formations of corps adn armies was was not appropriate for the situation, too much forces were left in the reserve while not enough of them was dedicated to the offensive itself. As a result adversary could organize a defence at random unprepared spots and with small numbers hold back our advancing units.

I order:

  1. To teporaliry stop the advance. During the 16th and 17.08.1944 thoroughly scout the defenses and enemy's fire system; organize the battle, deliver ammo, fuel and lubricants.
  2. In the morning of 18.08.1944 to attack decicively and fulfill your previous objectives.

Report when delivered. Report about the adopted decision via encrypted message at around 20:00 16.08.1944


ЦАМО РФ. Ф.233. Оп. 2307. Д. 33. Л. 68.

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