Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Directive Nr 30144 of Stavka of the Supreme Command to the commanders of the Western, Bryansk, Central, Voronezh, South-West and South fronts about the enemy's possible attack date.

2nd July 1943 02:10

According to our data the Germans can attack on our front in the period between 3 - 6 of July.

Stavka of the Supreme Command orders:

  1. Increase scouting and observing the enemy in order to discover his intentions in time
  2. Ground forces and Aviation must be prepared to repel the possible attack of the enemy
  3. Report about the adopted measures.

Stavka of the Supreme Command

ЦАМО. Ф. 148а. Оп. 3763. Д. 143. л. 164.

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