Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Directive Nr 30123 of Stavka of the Supreme Command to the commanders of the Bryansk, Central, Voronezh and South-West fronts about the enemy's possible attack date.

8th May 1943 23:35

According to some sources adversary can go offensive on 10-12 of May in Orlov-Kursk direction or in Belogorod-Oboyansk direction or in both at the same time.

The Stavka of the Supreme command orders to have all forces of the first defence line as well as reserves be prepared and on full alert by morning of 10th of May and ready to meet the possible enemy strike. Special attention shall be payed to our aviation readiness in order to not just repel the enemy aviation attacks, but also to capture air superiority at first moments of their offensive.

Confirm the receiving. Report about the adopted measures.

Stavka of the Supreme command.

ЦАМО. Ф. 148а. Оп. 3763. Д. 139. Л. 184.

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