Friday, August 13, 2021

Order from the commander of the 1st Belorussian front to the commander of the 1st Polish Army and the 47th Army about transferring the 1st Polish infantry division under the operative command of the commander of the 47th Army to use it in offensive towards Prague.

4th September 1944

To the Commander of the 1st Polish Army

From 05.09.1944 trnsfer the 1st infantry divisoin in its full staff under the operative command of the commander of the 47th Army. Leave the supply reponsibility under the jurisdiction of the Polish army.
Commander of the 47th Army shall use the 1st infantry division to attack the Prague city according to my instructions.

Report when received.


ЦАМО РФ. Ф. 233. Оп. 2307. Д. 29. Л. 249.

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