Monday, August 9, 2021

Report of the Staff of the 1st Belorussian front to the Joint Staff of the Red Army about the losses of the front from 1st to 10th of August 1944.

13th August 1944.

To the Head of the Operational Headquarters of the Red Army Joint Staff.

Reporting the summary of the losses sustained by the 1st Belorussian front from 1st to 10th of August 1944:

  • 48th army – personell:
    killed – 737, wounded – 2 352 ;
    horses: killed – 49, wounded – 48 ;
    material: artillery – 3, rifles and machineguns – 137, machineguns – 24, ATR – 1, mortars – 4, cars – 1.
  • 65th army. – personell: killed – 842, wounded – 2 487.
  • 28th army – personell: killed – 651, wounded – 2 963;
    material: rifles and machineguns – 251.
  • 70th army – personell: killed – 158, wounded – 563; material: cars – 2, carriages – 5.
  • 47th army – personell: killed – 1045, wounded – 3146;
    horses: killed – 76, wounded – 6.
  • 1th Polish army – personell: killed – 290, wounded – 684, missing – 565;
    horses: killed – 55, wounded – 87 ;
    material: rifles and machineguns – 824, machineguns – 87, ATR – 35, mortars – 18, artillery – 76 and 45 mm – 9,
    tanks: burned – 1, knocked out – 6, radios – 1, cars – 2.
  • 8th grds. army – personell: killed – 1769, wounded – 7415, missing – 482.
  • 69th army – personell: killed – 1418, wounded – 3958;
    material: artillery – 8, mortars – 8, rifles and machineguns – 294, machineguns – 4, ATR – 2, cars – 3, tractors – 1, radios – 3.
  • 2th tank army – personell: killed – 409, wounded – 1271, missing – 589;
    material: burned and knocked out tanks – 101, self propelled artillery – 13.
    destroyed: artillery – 28, mortars – 9, machineguns – 84, APC – 2.
  • 16th air army – lost to enemy AA artillery and in air fights as well as crashed – 22 aircraft.
  • 6th air army – lost to enemy AA artillery and in air fights – 13 and did not return from combat mission – 27 aircraft.

Head of the operative headquarters of the staff of the 1st Belorussian front
General-Major Boikov

ЦАМО РФ. Ф. 233. Оп. 2307. Д. 12. Л. 307–308.

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