Monday, August 9, 2021

Report from the Staff of the 2nd Tank Army about the losses sustained from 20th July till 8th August.

  1. Men killed - 991
  2. Men injured - 2852
  3. Missing - 442
  4. Irreversable losses of material:
    1. T-34 - 155
    2. M4-A2 - 48
    3. IS-2 - 4
    4. Mk9 - 3
    5. SU-85 - 18
    6. SU-76 - 15
    7. SU-57 - 1
    8. Armoured units in total - 244
    9. Guns destroyed - 36
    10. Mortars - 11
    11. Mounted MG - 26
    12. Light MG - 58
    13. Armoured cars - 11
    14. Motorcicles - 102
    15. Cars - 82

Staff head of the 2nd Tank Army
Colonel Bazanov

ЦАМО РФ. Ф. 307. Оп. 4148. Д. 226. Л. 105.

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