Monday, August 9, 2021

Excerpt from Stavka of the Supreme Commander directive to the Commander of the 1st Belorussian front about transition to defense.

29th August 1944

1 - Left flank of the front must go defensive after receiving this directive. The right flank must continue offensive with the objective to reach river Narev and its mouth around 4.09 - 5.09 and to capture a bridgehead on the Western bank near Pultusk, Sierotsk and also go defensive after that.[...]

5 - Special attention must be payed at the following directions: Rozhan, Ostruw-Mazovetzky, Chizhaev, Pultusk, Vyshkuw, Vengruw, Warsaw, Minsk-Mazovetsk, Demblin, Lukuw, Radom, Lyublin and to holding the bridgeheads on the Western bank of rivers Vistula and Narev.[...]

Report about the issued instructions and present a detailed defensive plan to the Joint Staff no later than 5th of September.

Stavka of the Supreme Command

ЦХСД Ф.2\2. 1944г. Л. 18-20.

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