Wednesday, April 21, 2021

USSR vs Germany artillery shell usage in 1942

Source: This post was created long ago on VIF2 forum by famous historian V.Isaev and based on his research. However now that link doesn't work anymore. This is a translation of multiple reposts of Isaev's original post, like this one.

USSR Germany
Gun caliber Amount Gun caliber Amount
Regiment artillery(thousands shells)
107 mm mortar. 293,8 12cm Gr.W. 2,9
120 mm mortar 3 008,2 10cm Nb.W 551,9
76 mm regimental 1927 5 063,1 7.5cm le.I.G.18 6 200,4
76 mm regimental 1943 0 7,5cm LG 40 0
76 mm mountain 1938 654,0 7,5cm Geb.G and К 749,7
7,62cm IKH 290(r) 0
10,5cm LG 40 & 42 43,3
15cm s.I.G.33 1 115,6
Total: 3 302 thousand mines and 5 717thousand shells, weight 84 724 ton Total: 555 thousand mines and 8 109 thousand shells, weight 88 879 ton
Mid caliber division and corps artillery (thousands shells)
76 mm 02/30-36 year. 10 024,2 7,5cm Pak /KwK/FK 1 581,2
75mm M1 Howitzer 1 162,8 7,62cm Pak 36(r) 162,3
76,2mm Gun 242,1
85 mm cannon 0 8,8cm Pak /KwK /FK 15,7
122 mm howitzer 4 306,2 12,8cm Pak 0
100 mm cannon 0 10cm le.FH 30(t) and 14/19(t) 169,1
10,5cm Geb.H 40 2,4
107 mm 10/30 year. 322,0 10cm le.FK 18 17 751 ,0
10cm s.K 18 1 209,8
122 mm cannon 31 year. 599,1 10,5cm s.K 35(t) 39,4
100 and 102mm cannon 21,0 10,5cm K 331(f) and 332(f) 35,8
120mm cannon 9,5 12cm Haubitze 14 & 15/16(t) 0,2
12,2cm le.FH 388(r) [10/30] 3,2
130 mm cannon 67,2 12,2cm le.FH 396(r) [M-30] 6,1
12,2cm K 390(r) [A-19] 4,9
Total: 16 754 thousand shells, weight 187 479 ton Total: 20 981 thousand shells, weight 295 380 ton
Divisional and corps heavy artillery (thousands shells)
15cm s.FH 18 4 481,9
152 mm howitzer 706,3 15,5cm s.FH 414(f) 175,1
152 mm 37 year. 1 508,8 15cm s.FH 25(t) and 37(t) 115,4
15,2cm s.FH 445(r) [09/30] 0
15,2cm s.FH 443(r) [M-10] 0
15,2cm K.H. 433(r) [ML-20] 12 ,3
Total: 2 215 thousand shells, weight 94 742 ton Total: 4 785 thousand shells, weight 207 983 ton
Heavy guns, caliber 152-203mm
15cm K 126,6
15cm K. 15/16(t) 0
15,5cm K 416(f) and 418(f) 213,6
17cm K Mrs.Laf. 25,7
203 mm howitzer 31 year. 107,4
21cm Mrs 341,2
21cm K 38 & 39/40 3,7
21cm Kz.Mrs(t) 0,45
22cm Mrs 531(f) 65,3
Total: 107 thousand shells, weight 10 472 ton Total: 776,5 thousand shells, weight 62 001 ton
Superheavy guns (single shells)
24cm K 3 1 352
24cm H 39 3 070
24cm s.K(t) 470
28cm Kusten Haubitze 3 600
30,5cm Mrs(t) 7 350
35,5cm Haubitze M1 513
42cm Gamma Mrs. 449
60cm Karl 197
Total :17 thousand shells, weight 5 186 tons

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