Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Report to the Commander of the forces of the 1st Belorussian front to deputy head of the Joint Staff of the Red Army about the difficulties with fuel supplies.

31 July 1944

To: Joint Staff of the Red Army Antonov,
Main Logistics Headquarters of the Red Army Khrulyov

The constant cut offs from supply bases due to slow railroad repairing has caused difficulties in fuel supplies.
To mitigate this and to make it possible to supply fuel across Vizsla river, I ask to order an urgent formation of a battalion to pump the fuel. For this please provide the battalion with an imported gasoline pipeline together with all the needed gear, which is in possession of the Headquarters of the Fuel Supply of the Red Army.
The battalion must be urgently sent to Lyublin by railroad.


ЦАМО РФ. Ф. 233. Оп. 2307. Д. 29. Л. 59.

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