Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Directive Nr. 220155 of Stavka of the Supreme Commander to the Commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front about the usage of the tank armies and cavalry units for capturing bridgeheads on Vistula.

27 July 1944. 19:20

In connection with front forces capturing Lviv, Peremyshl and Yaroslav, the Stavka of the Supreme Commander orders:
Use the 1st Guards Tank army of Katukov and cavalry units to capture bridgeheads on the Western bank of Vistula in the region between Sandomier and river Visloka. Send there Rybalko’s 3rd Guards tank army following these units.

The directions regarding your plan that was sent on 24.07 will be given on 28.07.1944.

Please report about the issued instructions.

Stavka of the supreme commander
J.Stalin, A.Antonov.

ЦАМО. Ф. 148а. Оп. 3763. Д. 166. Л. 417.

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