Friday, July 2, 2021

Directive Nr 11071 of the Stavka of the Supreme Commander to the Commander of the 1st Belorussian front to strike, surpassing Berlin from the North.

18 April 1945 04:00

Stavka of the Supreme Command orders:

  1. After crossing Oder river no later than 22.04 with the main forces, continue the offensive to the South Westin the overall direction towards Graifenberg, Gross-Schenbekk, Birkenverder, performing a strike surpassing Berlin from the North.
  2. From 24:00 on 20.04 Set up the following delimiting line with the 1st Belorussian front: until Angermunde as before, then AltHuttendorf (for 2nd Belorussian front inclusive).
  3. Report about the issued instructions.

Stavka of the Supreme Command
J.Stalin, A.Antonov

Source: ЦАМО. Ф. 148а. Оп. 3763. Д. 213. Л. 85.

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